Foundational Values


We believe that the first family was formed by God in the Garden of Eden, that it is the fundamental institution of a civil society, and that government should promote and protect its formation and well-being.

We believe that our founding fathers and their deeply held values formed the foundation for our country and were based upon Biblical principles and their faith in God.

We believe, as stated in the Declaration of Independence, that the American government is derived from the “Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God,”; that all people are “endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights,” and that government’s primary responsibility is to “secure these Rights.”

We believe that Christian citizens have a Biblical responsibility and calling to exercise the rights and duties of citizenship as “salt and light”, and to be a transforming influence in culture, for the glory of Jesus Christ and the good of society.

Learn more about NDFA’s issues and platform.

  • Life

    We believe that God has created life in each of us and that life begins at conception and ends at natural death. For that reason, all persons have worth and dignity, regardless of their race, religion, sexual orientation, gender, or other characteristics. The protection of life includes many facets such as:

    • Abortion

    • End of Life / Assisted Suicide / Euthanasia

    • Bioethics / Stem Cell Research / Cloning

    • Human Trafficking

    • Adoption

    The right to life is foundational to all other rights, so we engage on all these aspects of the life issue. North Dakota Family Alliance works toward a state where life is fully protected in law and culture at every stage of development, consistent with the foundations of our country and expressed in documents such as the Declaration of Independence where it states that we are endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights, and among them are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

  • Education

    We believe that parents are entrusted by God with directing the upbringing and education of their children. Parents know better than anyone how their child learns and how to instill their own values, while also opening up the wider world to young minds. Parents and schools need to work together and share the task of educating children in the best possible manner. Education according to biblical principles encompasses many elements, including:

    • School choice

    • Parents’ rights

    • Sex education & abstinence

    • Gender identity, bathrooms, and transgender issues

    • Science curriculum

    We are there fighting for you on these education issues every day, and we encourage you to be actively involved at the grassroots level in the education of your child.

  • Marriage & Sexuality

    Marriage was created by God and is the basis for our society. We believe human sexuality was designed and intended for our good within the bond of a committed, lifelong marriage between a man and woman. We advocate for policies that actively support biblically-based marriages, and we oppose policy that encourages individuals to pursue alternative definitions of marriage, to the extent it undermines traditional marriage values and can endanger the rights of others.

  • Religious Liberty

    Every person in our country has the freedom to exercise their religion, as expressed in the United States and North Dakota Constitutions. We believe this applies to faith-based organizations such as churches, but also individuals and organizations. Our society often seeks to interfere at best, or completely deny at worst, religious liberties of our citizens, and North Dakota Family Alliance defends these religious liberties whenever and wherever we can. In our pluralistic society, this means religious liberty for all, regardless of faith, as long as it does not harm others or restrict the practice of their faith and values.

  • Family

    The family was God-ordained at the creation of the world and it forms the foundation of our society. From families come communities, from communities come societies, and from societies come nations and their governmental structures. Because of this linkage, government is not a substitute for family and never should be. It has been shown over the centuries and within a multitude of civilizations that family is the basis for a flourishing culture and society.

  • God-Honoring Citizenship

    God-honoring citizenship requires a knowledge of Biblical principles and how to apply them to the world around us. This is never more true than in the policy arena. We must not shrink from our biblical duty to proclaim the Word of God and how it applies to social policy and law. This must be done in love, despite name-calling, persecution, or social shaming. The Hope for our country is found in God-honoring citizens such as yourself, who understand the truths of Scripture, and can apply them to our culture in a winsome way.